
Admitting Failure is the First Step Toward Success
If President Obama's State of the Union Address could be said to have a message - a common thread, as it were - that message might have been, "There is a whole pile of wonderful legislation with bipartisan support just waiting to be passed.
February 15, 2013

Dire Straits – USPS Floundering
Those were the exact words of the United States Post Office’s (USPS) Postmaster General (PMG) Patrick Donahoe earlier this week during a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.
February 15, 2013

Heads in the Sand (or somewhere else)
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) today became the latest in a growing list of Democrats who claim that the federal government does not have a spending problem.
February 14, 2013

One for Three, and Savings for All
“To sequester, or not to sequester?” That appears to be the question for many of our congressional Hamlets.
February 12, 2013