
Biden's Budget and the SMART Prices Act Will Devastate Drug Development
Pharmaceutical price controls in President Biden's budget and the SMART Choices Act will devastate drug development.

Taxpayers Do Not Get Everything They Want But They Get What They Need
The Fiscal Responsibility Act is what taxpayers need and will lead to more of what they want to reduce wasteful spending.

The Biden Budget Poses an Existential Threat to the States
The President's proposed budget would distort the balance of power between the federal and state governments.

Texas Lawmakers Must Exercise Caution with Spending Surplus
Texas lawmakers will decide how to spend a $32.7 billion budget surplus.

A Not So Merry Present from Congress
Just in time for the holidays, Congress passes a $1.7 trillion spending package for FY 2023.

Congress Should not Use Ukraine As an Excuse to Fund a Socialist Agenda
Congress should avoid using Ukraine or the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to pass a socialist agenda.

Congress Should not Impose a Damaging Small Business Tax
CCAGW Is Launching a Digital Ad Campaign Opposing Taxes on Carried Interest

$40 Billion Broadband Bill Is Costly, Unnecessary, and Wasteful
The BRIDGE Act of 2021 would do more harm than good.

Time to Review and Reduce Duplicative Housing Programs
On October 22, 2020, the Senate Budget Committee released a report highlighting overlap and duplication in federal housing programs.

States Should Cut Spending, Not Raise Taxes
State governments should be focused on cutting spending to offset revenue losses, not raising taxes.

Federal Bailouts Punish Fiscally Responsible States
The House of Representatives prepares to vote on a $3 trillion stimulus bill, which includes $875 billion for state and local governments.

Senate Budget Committee Makes Budget Reports Available for the Public Online
The Senate Budget Committee's Chairman has introduced a new budget scorekeeping report on the Budget Committee's website to provide a regular accounting of budget developments.