
Boneheaded Bonuses and Boondoggles
Just when you thought the IRS had been properly chastised and humbled for its egregious behavior with respect to its over-the-top spending on training conferences, some $50 million between 2

"Campaign to Cut Waste" Falls Short
On June 13, 2011, President Obama issued Executive Order No.

Senators Seek Elimination of Wasteful and Overlapping Benefit Payments
On June 6, NBC News and The Wall Street Journal released a poll that showed Americans blame welfare programs more than any other reason for persistent

Forever Red in Illinois
As the Illinois legislature winds up the 2013 session by creating a new $750,000 “Forever Green Illinois Program” (it's really there on pp.

We Agree with David Axelrod
Every once in a while a politician or political operative says something with which everyone can agree. So today, for the first time, all of us at CAGW agree with David Axelrod to the extent that he acknowledged that the government is too big. ...

The Farmers Love This Bill
“The farmers love this bill, The farmers love this bill, High, HIGH, the dairies go, The farmers love this bill!”

Because They Could
Americans need to take heed to the shenanigans that the Obama Administration has undertaken in response to the sequester, which began March 1.

Never Mind
Yesterday, I blogged about a story in the newspaper Politico that said members of Congress were looking for ways to exempt themselves and their staff from Obamacare.

What’s Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander – NOT!
All you need to do to find out how “wonderful” the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare will be for all of us is to go to the White House Web site. In almost reverent slogans the Obama Administration claims.

Train Wreck
Today, Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) announced his retirement – joining five other Democrat senators calling it quits.

End of the Line for MEADS
The Obama Administration may have just hammered the last nail into the coffin of the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS).

Congress Ends the End of Saturday Delivery
A little-known but costly rider to the fiscal year 2013 continuing resolution has forced the U.S. Postal Service to withdraw its proposal to end Saturday delivery.