Action Center
Send a letter today to your elected officials!
Help fight government waste and let your voice be heard on a wide range of issues! New Action Alert letters are posted regularly, so please check this page often!
National Petition to Stop IRS Spying
Tell your Congress that you oppose the Biden Administration's efforts to spy on American's bank accounts.
TELL CONGRESS: Do Not Raise the Debt Limit Without Cutting Wasteful Spending
Congress will soon consider raising America’s debt limit. Real spending cuts must be tied to any increase in the debt limit.
TAKE ACTION: Oppose Earmarks
Tell your Senators and U.S. Representative to oppose the return of earmarks and support a permanent ban.
TELL WASHINGTON: Cut Government Waste!
After decades of wasteful and reckless spending, America’s national debt stands at $27 TRILLION. Tell Washington to cut wasteful spending and use CAGW's recommendations!
TELL CONGRESS: Protect Taxpayers During Coronavirus!
Tell your Representative and Senators to protect the interests of taxpayers during the coronavirus pandemic.
TELL CONGRESS: No Student Loan Bailout!
Democrats in Congress are proposing a bailout of all outstanding student loan debt that could cost taxpayers as much as $1.5 trillion.
TELL CONGRESS: Fight Medicare Fraud!
Bowing to special interest pressure, Congress has suspended almost all audits that could save taxpayers billions. Tell your U.S. Senators and Representative today to reinstate the RAC audit program!