
NIH Should Close Montana Facility to Pay for $1.3 Billion of Repairs
Current state of NIH facilities could undermine life saving research.

Defense Contractors Return $200 Million in Self-Reported Waste
The DOD IG reports defense contractors have returned more than $200 million over the last decade in self-reported waste.

Senate Adds $1.7 Trillion to Deficit
The U.S. government is currently over $22 trillion in debt, a fact some of the bill’s Republican opponents raised during debate.

CCAGW Urges Members of Congress to Oppose Disastrous Budget Deal
House Democrats and the President have reached a deal that would raise discretionary spending caps by $320 billion over the next two years with less than a quarter in offsets. This agreement totally abandons the government’s fiscal responsibility.

Congress Drives the "Megabus" Off the Tracks
Even with the national debt at more than $22 trillion and trillion-dollar annual deficits beginning in fiscal year (FY) 2022, Congress continues full-speed ahead towards another fiscal disaster. This week’s poor spending decision comes from H.R....

California's Budget Projects a $22 Billion Surplus, Yet Wants Billions More in New Taxes
After 32 consecutive victories on the TV game show “Jeopardy,” James Holzhauer, a professional sports gambler from Las Vegas, Nevada, saw his incredible winning streak come to an end. Finishing with $2,462,216 in total prize money, James

RSC Budget Provides Only Clear Path Toward Fiscal Responsibility
The national debt stands at more than $22 trillion, with trillion-dollar deficits right around the corner. Entitlement spending continues to rise and is projected to make up 60 percent of spending for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020.

House Subcommittee Concerned over "Too Big to Fail" Mentality at NASA
On Thursday, June 14, 2018, the House of Representative’s Subcommittee on Space met to discuss the rising cost and schedule overruns at the National Aeronautics

Rescission and the Trump Administration
Rescission is an abstruse presidential tool passed amid the Nixon administration under the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

Myths and Realities: Earmarks
Reality: Earmarks are not the answer to mitigating the extreme partisanship that exists in Washington and are have nothing to do with getting things done.

Connecticut and Pennsylvania Pass Budgets
As we finish our Halloween candy and start preparing for Thanksgiving, each of the fifty states has now passed its required budget. As forty-nine of the fifty states require a balanced budget, which means the politicians can’t always resort to...

Connecticut Legislature Passes a Bipartisan Budget Plan
Faced with a budget deficit of $3.5 billion over the next two years, and three months overdue on a budget for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, Connecticut lawmakers face a difficult situation and must make tough choices. In