
Same old thing: Tax and Spend
We were provided a joint analysis of President Obama’s budget by the House and Senate Republican Budget Committees.

Risky Federal Home Loans: What Could Go Wrong?
On Tuesday, the Washington Post published a story on the Obama administration's latest efforts to get banks to offer home loans to people with riskier credit.

Government Waste TV
There are more than enough egregious examples of mismanagement and inefficiency to create "Government Waste TV."

IRS Spent $60,000 on Star Trek and Gilligan's Island Parody Videos
If you thought that there couldn't possibly be any other embarrassing details about federal agency conference spending, I regret to inform you that you were wrong.

Pay No Attention to Those Political Appointees Behind the Curtain
Recently, the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard informed readers that President’s Obama’s top political appointees make an average of $142,691 annually.

More Hysterics from Organizing for Action
Just got hold of yet another email from Organizing for Action, President Obama’s perpetual campaign operation, about the sequester.

Time to Act on IG Recommendations
The House and Senate (after four years) Budget Committees will mark up the fiscal year (FY) 2014 budget resolution next week.

Prime Cuts 2013
On the eve of sequestration, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today released Prime Cuts 2013, our annual comprehensive list of spending cuts.

What If You Manufactured a Crisis, and No One Panicked?
On Friday, March 1st, 2013, the Second Mayan Apocalypse will occur – or so President Obama might have you believe.

The Madness of King Barack?
Washington Post Associate Editor and uber-journo Bob Woodward has been blurting out all kinds of cogent things lately, most of it is giving the White House fits. But he is saying what many people are thinking.

The Right Stuff to Cut
Incoming Joint Economic Committee Chairman Kevin Brady's (R-Texas) National Review Online op-ed, "What Kind of Cuts Grow the Economy," makes it clear that the right kind of spending cuts will increase economic growth and create jobs.

Implement GAO Reforms: Culberson-Coburn or a Commission?
While February 2nd has long been recognized as Ground Hog Day, perhaps February 5th – at least for this year – should be coined Government Waste Elimination Day. On February 5, 2013, CAGW President Tom Schatz testified before the House Committee on...