Big Government

Run Away Run Away!
It is no secret that the Obamacare roll out for its on-line portal to the healthcare exchanges has been a disaster. Taxpayers are shocked to learn they have paid $394 million (according to a Government Accountability Office report) for a sys

And Here’s To You, Mrs. Lautenberg!
The recent action by Congress to provide a death gratuity to the widow of the late Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) has raised a few eyebrows.

Reality is Starting to Set In
Now that Washington has a temporary reprieve on budget and debt ceiling issues, perhaps the media will focus more on the continuing Obamacare slow-motion train wreck. It has been largely ignored by the main stream media but the news about the...

Conn Artist?
This week, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs lead by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) released an investigati

This Is Another Nice Mess You've Gotten Us Into
The New York Times had an interesting story yesterday, which also raised some ques

A Government That is Too Big
More and more news reports are surfacing about the overreach by the Obama Administration with regard to the partial government shutdown.

A Clean CR is a Dirty Rotten Shame
On the October 2nd edition of Fox News Channel’s Special Report, columnist Charles Krauthammer decried the Democrats’ disingenuous insistence on a “clean CR,” implying that such an approach is actually a ratification of failure. On the one hand, it...

Another Bailout
While the focus of the press and Washington has been on passing a continuing resolution and a government shutdown, the White House pulled the usual Washington D.C. public affairs stunt when you don’t wont bad or controversial news to be discussed...

Debate and Compromise Is Not a One-Way Street
A few months back my 20-something niece was complaining about how Congress, in particular the Republican House, was just not cooperating with President Obama over spending, taxes, and government-investments like bridges and green energy. She said...

Nancy’s Cupboard May be Bare but There are Certainly Bats in Her Belfry
On Sunday, when asked about deficit reduction, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) declared on CNN’s Sunday show State of the Union that

Fuzzy Math and Little Details on Obamacare Premium Costs
Today, the Department of HHS finally revealed the premium prices for Obamacare. Several press outlets got an advanced copy and some reporters were not all that impressed.

Disability Insurance – Reform is Needed
A recent General Accountability Office (GAO) report, “Disability Insurance – Work Activity Indicates Certain Social Security Disability Payments Were Potentially Improper” reminds us that Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is the nation’s...