Big Government

Obamacare: Defund or Delay?
Before the 113th Congress left town in early August for their five-week “summer recess,” they kicked yet another can down the road. On the one hand, it wasn’t time-sensitive enough that action couldn’t wait until their return on September 9. On...

And More Costly Duplication
As part of a continuing series, CAGW will be providing you examples of duplication and overlap within the federal government that has been researched by the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Lame Brain Drain
I am not suggesting that the Congressional staffers who may be seeking greener career pastures (due to changes in health care benefits) are “lame brains;” however, if they are responsible for most of the madness that emanates from Capitol Hill, I...

It is None of Their Damn Business!
Last month the New Jersey Comptroller released a report on widespread fraud in their state’s school lunch program. More than 100 people on public payrolls, or members of their family, lied about their income in

The White House Office of Nudging
There have been a series of news reports of a new project underway in the White House led by Maya Shankar, Senior Advisor for Social & Behavioral Sciences within the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). According to a column written...

The Article 1 President
All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The Sequester is Working
The biggest underreported story out of Washington this year is that the federal budget is shrinking and much more than anyone in either party expected.”

The Fix is In...
The deal has been made; Congress and President Obama figured out a way to provide continued subsidies for healthcare premiums for congressional staff. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) just released the proposed regulation, which can be...

Duplication Duplication
These next few weeks, I will be pointing out areas of duplication, overlap, or fragmentation in the federal government and suggestions on how it can be eliminated that will save millions of dollars for the taxpayers.

Just Give Me More Money to Spend
Well, finally a big government politician who admits it. It’s almost refreshing. Rep.

It's All in the Numbers
Last week, we got the jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). They reported a job gain of 162,000 for the month of July. There wasn’t a lot of hoopla about it because the numbers were pretty pathetic.

Stay Vigilant!
In today’s Congressional Quarterly, the headline reads, “Senate Democrats Weigh Sequester-Replacement Plans for September Votes” immediately followed by “the White House tries to broker a bipartisan budget deal with a small group of Republicans.”