Big Government | Page 4 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste

Big Government

The WasteWatcher

John Locke was Right....

When he said "I have always thought the actions of men the best interpreters of their thoughts."

Leslie Paige October 6, 2014
The WasteWatcher

The War on (Minimum) Wage Payers

Our nation’s Founding Fathers never intended to put the government in charge of picking winners and losers, but as citizens look more and more to Uncle Sam for special favors and handouts, that is precisely what is happening.

CAGW Staff September 23, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Past Porker Cordray Crimps Car Dealers

So, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is at it again!

William Christian September 19, 2014
The WasteWatcher

One, Two, Three Examples of ObamaCare's Harmful Effects

Three interesting articles can be found in the September 8 Weekly Special Edition of Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) concerning the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) with respect to jobs and the economy. Low-Wages + ObamaCare = Fewer Work Hours

Elizabeth Wright September 9, 2014
The WasteWatcher

“Shocking” News: CMS Went Over Budget

I’m shocked…shocked that CMS went over budget!  The Health and Human Services Inspector General’s (HHS-IG) office released a report last Tuesday, August 26, that shows the Cen

Elizabeth Wright September 2, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Control, Alt, Delete

Control, Alt, Delete seems to be the standard M.O. for the Obama Administration when they want to extricate themselves from politically damaging, and possibly criminal, behavior.  Deleting emails, using alias emails, crashing or losing computers...

Elizabeth Wright August 15, 2014
The WasteWatcher

What a Week!

Last week, important but opposing court opinions were released within hours of each other on two similar cases involving the Affordable Care Act (ACA), often referred to as Obamacare. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.

Elizabeth Wright July 30, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Agency Charges Taxpayers for Free Reports

According to its website, The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) seeks to “promote American innovation and economic growth by collecting and disseminating scientific, technical and engineering information to the public and ind

CAGW Staff July 24, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Here We Go…AGAIN!

President Obama has told the Congress and the country that he will be using his pen and phone to get his priorities implemented.  That has meant bypassing Congress and changing, or ignoring, current law.  It is well known that this has occurred...

Elizabeth Wright July 1, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Is Another Special Exemption from Obamacare on the Way?

Last week on June 18, Inside Health Policy reported that lobbying efforts were underway by organizations that represent Medic

Elizabeth Wright June 25, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Inefficiencies in Coin Management Lead to Soaring Costs

A June 2014 report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) revealed that, from 2008 to 2012, coin management costs associated with the Federal Reserve increased by 69 percent.  Additionally, the agency had failed to ident

CAGW Staff June 12, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Don’t Know Much About Algebra

Paul Krawzak wrote in the June 4 Roll Call about some disturbing news that came from an April Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report

Elizabeth Wright June 11, 2014
