CCAGW Joins Coalition Supporting Reforms to the Sugar Program | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste

CCAGW Joins Coalition Supporting Reforms to the Sugar Program

Letters to Officials

May 22, 2024

The Honorable Glenn “GT” Thompson

 Dear Chairman Thompson and Ranking Member Scott:

As you continue to guide the recently introduced Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024 through the legislative process, we respectfully urge you and members of the House Agriculture Committee to preserve and build on the targeted bipartisan reforms to the U.S. sugar program that were included in the legislation.

The modest reforms included in the House farm bill help address urgent challenges in the sugar supply chain that have contributed to higher food and manufacturing costs. Importantly, these changes also include new provisions that ensure sugar producers have the program tools they need to continue producing high-quality American sugar. Taken together, the proposed reforms represent a meaningful first step in providing timely relief to manufacturers, consumers, workers, and producers. We look forward to collaboratively building on these proposals as Congress continues its work to pass a farm bill that lays a strong foundation for future growth in the food sector.

We are grateful for your leadership on behalf of American agriculture and appreciate your consideration of our perspective. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.


Alliance for Fair Sugar Policy
American Beverage Association
American Bakers Association
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
Consumer Brands Association Consumer Choice Center
FMI – The Food Industry Association
Independent Bakers Association
International Dairy Foods Association
National Association of Manufacturers
National Confectioners Association
National Consumers League
National Retail Federation 
National Taxpayers Union
Peanut and Tree Nut Processors Association 
Pennsylvania Chamber of Commerce 
Pennsylvania Farm Bureau 
Retail Confectioners International
SNAC International 
Sweeteners Users Association
Taxpayers Protection Alliance 
Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity 
U.S. Chamber of Commerce 

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Issues Topics: 
Letter Type: 
Coalition Letters