Healthcare | Page 5 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

Basic Lack of Accountability Plagues NYC First Lady’s Mental Health Initiative

In 2015, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked his wife, First Lady Chirlane McCray, to lead an effort to tackle mental health challenges in the city.  Called ThriveNYC, it purported to offer a “roadmap

Spencer Chretien March 1, 2019
The WasteWatcher

19 Things States Should Not Do In 2019

Governors and legislators new and old taking office this month will be inundated with advice from all directions.  Each special interest and left-wing or right-wing single-issue activist group will have scheduled meetings between its highest-paid...

Spencer Chretien January 31, 2019
The WasteWatcher

NAFTA Negotiators Should Promote Strong IP Rights

As the May 18 deadline for negotiating a modernized North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) looms, negotiators should consider closely how intellectual property (IP) rights will be treated between the countries involved.

Deborah Collier May 11, 2018
The WasteWatcher

A Moment of Truth: Will Virginia Republicans Expand Medicaid?

On April 11, 2018, Virginia legislators will return to Richmond for a special session in which they will aim to finish work on the Commonwealth’s budget.  At center stage, yet again, is the issue of Medicaid expansion, still unresolved eight years...

Spencer Chretien March 27, 2018
The WasteWatcher

As Other States Thrive, California is a Shadow of Its Former Self

So many iconic images and phrases come to mind when you think of California.  The Gold Rush.  The American Dream.  Hollywood.  The place where anything was possible and big dreams can come true—thanks to the smashing success of capitalism.  “Go West...

Spencer Chretien March 1, 2018
The WasteWatcher

Seattle Soda Tax Not Doing Too Well

While the rest of us were popping champagne to celebrate the arrival of 2018, Seattle greeted the New Year with a 1.75 cent per ounce tax on sweetened beverages.  It was needed, former Mayor Ed Murray once

Spencer Chretien January 11, 2018
The WasteWatcher

Up In Smoke: What Happened to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement Money?

In November 1998, forty-six US states, along with the District of Columbia and five US territories, and the major tobacco companies entered into a contract of an extraordinary nature.  (The other four states, Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, and...

Spencer Chretien December 12, 2017
The WasteWatcher

Trump Administration to Allow States to Establish Work Requirements for Medicaid

Since its establishment in 1965, the federal government and the states have jointly administered Medicaid.  The program’s characteristics and logistics vary from state to state, and there is always some give-and-take between the states and the feds...

Spencer Chretien November 13, 2017
The WasteWatcher

Maine's Fiscal Future Tied to Medicaid Expansion

On November 7, 2017, Mainers will head to the polls to vote on four ballot measures, including Question 2, which would expand Medicaid in the state to cover able-bodied adults without children whose income is equal to or less than 138 percent of the...

Spencer Chretien November 6, 2017
The WasteWatcher

President Trump's Executive Order on Healthcare

Today, President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order (EO), "Promote Healthcare Choice and Competition Across the United States,” with the goals of bring

Elizabeth Wright October 12, 2017
The WasteWatcher

Liberal States Are Trying to Prop Up Obamacare

As Washington struggles with what may be its final chance to repeal Obamacare, the law’s problems in the states continue.  One major problem that has

Spencer Chretien September 20, 2017
The WasteWatcher

Eligibility Check Reveals Massive Medicaid Problems in Oregon

Oregon attracted national ridicule in 2013 and 2014 as its state-run online Obamacare exchange, Cover Oregon, epically failed to sign up even o

Spencer Chretien September 20, 2017
