
Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Overturns the FCC's Net Neutrality Rules
Federal Appeals Court correctly finds the FCC had no authority to impose new net neutrality rules.

133 Broadband Programs May Be 132 More Than Necessary
It is time to review the 133 broadband programs across 15 federal agencies with an eye toward consolidation.

The Future of the Universal Service Fund
To save taxpayer dollars, Congress should look at revamping the USF program instead of trying to expanding its contribution base.

Court Further Delays Net Neutrality Implementation
On August 1, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit extended the stay on the FCC's latest net neutrality order.

SCOTUS Delivers a Blow to the Regulatory State
Chevron deference is overturned by the Supreme Court in its ruling in favor of Loper Bright Enterprises.

Congress Needs to Stop the FCC From Taking Over the Internet
Congress, not the FCC, should decide how the internet should be regulated.

The FCC's Not So Merry-Go-Round of Net Neutrality
The Biden administration’s creates uncertainty for future of broadband deployments across America and wastes taxpayer resources.

Congress Must Restore Spectrum Auction Authority
A year has passed since the FCC lost its spectrum auction authority. It is time for Congress to renew this authority.

USF Reforms Should Include Replacing Lifeline with ACP
The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste offered its views on Universal Service reform to Congress on August 24, 2023.

A Disturbing Trend for Broadband Deployment
With $42.5 billion available for broadband deployment, funding should be available regardless of technology or vendor type.

The Cantwell-Grassley PBM Bill is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
A Bill introduced in the Senate takes aim at PBMS and private sector healthcare.

House Renews Consideration of Privacy Legislation
House subcommittee holds hearing to discuss what should be included in legislation to protect consumer data privacy.