CCAGW Urges Nebraska Legislators to Oppose LB 61 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste

CCAGW Urges Nebraska Legislators to Oppose LB 61

State Action

February 12, 2024

Nebraska Legislature  
Nebraska State Capitol
1445 K Street 
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Dear Senator,

On behalf of the 12,306 members and supporters of the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste in Nebraska, I urge you to oppose LB61, which would eliminate the requirement for public utilities to subsidize the state’s universal service fund using 50 percent of their profits generated in areas where broadband service provided by other internet service providers already exists. 

Current Nebraska law allows public utilities to deploy middle-mile networks in unserved communities and retain 100 percent of the generated profits.  The law restricts the profit margin to 50 percent in areas that already have broadband access, with the remaining 50 percent used to help fund Nebraska’s universal service fund program.  LB61 would allow public utilities to retain 100 percent of the profits generated from middle-mile leases regardless of whether a location is served by another provider or unserved.  The elimination of the 50 percent funding would force taxpayers and ratepayers to make up that shortfall.

Nebraskans should not be obligated to support government funded broadband networks when they are built in direct competition against existing providers.  The law should not be changed to give them an advantage that they currently do not have. 

For these reasons, I urge you to oppose LB61 when it is considered on the floor of the legislature. 

Tom Schatz
President, CCAGW