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The WasteWatcher

Show Ex-Im the Ex-It

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is among the federal government's least-known but most obvious examples of corporate welfare.

CAGW Staff June 14, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Forever Red in Illinois

As the Illinois legislature winds up the 2013 session by creating a new $750,000 “Forever Green Illinois Program” (it's really there on pp.

Thomas Schatz May 31, 2013
The WasteWatcher

In Other News.....The Farm Bill and The Terrible Twelve!

With the triad of scandals rocking Washington this week, you would be forgiven if you were unaware of the fact that we are heading into consideration of a five-year $940 billion Farm Bill, starting Monday.

Leslie Paige May 17, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The 2013 Farm Bill - An Opportunity for Serious Waste Reduction

Although some progress was made last year toward passing a new, five-year Farm Bill, taxpayers should for once be thankful that lawmakers were unable to do their jobs, as the legislation left many programs largely unreformed and opened the door for...

CAGW Staff May 13, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Federal Spending on Disaster Relief is Out of Control

According to an April 29, 2013 article in The Washington Post, the federal government is spending more than previously thought on disaster relief.

CAGW Staff April 29, 2013
The WasteWatcher

For USPS, Time is Running Out

Yesterday, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on the fiscal straits faced by the United States Postal Service (USPS).

CAGW Staff April 18, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Sugar! Oh, Help Me, Help Me!

“Sugar, Sugar” was the Number One single of 1969.

William Christian March 27, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Sen. Harry Reid Hits a New Low

On Monday evening, March 18, seven U.S. Marines from North Carolina were tragically killed in a training accident at Hawthorne Army Depot in Nevada.

CAGW Staff March 20, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Obamacare Implementation: Delay and Do a Lot!

In the previous decade, Democrats joked about what they perceived to be Republican obstructionism in the U.S. House of Representatives by invoking the double-entendre epithet, “DeLay and Doolittle.”

William Christian March 19, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Crisis in Cyprus – A Prologue for US?

No doubt many of you are aware of the financial crisis in Cyprus, a small country in the Mediterranean located near Turkey.  The politicians in Cyprus, in an effort to prevent the country from goi

CAGW Staff March 19, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Emperor's New Clothes?

President Obama and his minions have been wringing their hands and warning us that the nation will face catastrophic hardships as the sequester is implemented.

CAGW Staff March 16, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Illinois: Land of Winkin'...and Nudgin' (Say No More!)

On Monday of this week, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced it was suing the state of Illinois over a lawsuit that alleged that state officials had mislead investors over the health of their pension funds between 2005 and 2009.

Leslie Paige March 15, 2013
