Obamacare | Page 6 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

Transparency Bills for Obamacare

Today, the House passed H.R 3811, the “Health Exchange Security and Transparency Act.”  The bill would require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to notify Americ

Elizabeth Wright January 10, 2014
The WasteWatcher

2014 -- Now We Get to Find Out What is in Obamacare!

Happy New Year!  CAGW is pleased to announce that it will reconstitute its Healthcare and Science Division.  Why you ask?  The October 1, 2013 roll-out of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, and the following chaos demonstrated...

Elizabeth Wright January 7, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Obamacare Has Taken a Lickin...And It Still Isn't Tickin

Well, now that January 1 has come and gone many of us get to experience the joys of government-controlled health insurance, better known as Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act.  (Yes they ARE the same thing.  There have

CAGW Staff January 3, 2014
The WasteWatcher

You Think Obamacare's Problems Are Over? Just Wait.

Last week a lot of information was revealed about Obamacare and it's not good.

CAGW Staff December 17, 2013
The WasteWatcher

The Young Aren't Buying It

More and more stories are appearing about growing opposition to Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), from America’s youth and that’s not good news for the Obama administration.  Simply put, when it comes to signing up for...

CAGW Staff December 6, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Obamacare: Still Not Ready for Primetime

The New York Times provided numbers yesterday on Medicaid enrollment compared to Obamacare enrollment during the month of October.  Those of us who foll

CAGW Staff December 4, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Healthcare.gov is Up and Running...Sort of

The administration declared success in its efforts to meet its self-imposed deadline of November 30 to improve the Healthcare.gov website.  With little fanfare, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the agency charged with overseeing...

CAGW Staff December 2, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Businesses and Obamacare: Not a Good Mix

Public Opinion Strategies (POS) is a well-respected market research company specializing in corporate and public policy research.  The company recently undertook a survey of 208 decision makers in

CAGW Staff November 27, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Think Obamacare is Fixed? Think Again

On Tuesday, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations had a hearing on the Obamacare website roll out

CAGW Staff November 21, 2013
The WasteWatcher

They Knew. They All Knew.

We are seeing a lot of panic on Capitol Hill these days as Obamacare continues to unravel.  Certainly, the functionality of the Healthcare.gov  website was initially the primary focus of concern.  But when millions of Americans began to lose...

CAGW Staff November 14, 2013
The WasteWatcher

I'm Shocked, Shocked to Find That Fraud is Going on in Obamacare!

When I first saw the headline on the Drudge Report, “VIDEO SHOCK: O'Keefe reveals Obamacare corruption...,” I immediately thought of the classic movie, “Casablanca” and heard those immortal words, “I'm sho

CAGW Staff November 12, 2013
The WasteWatcher

Those Pesky Obamacare Grandfather Regs and Why We’re All Doomed

Certainly the latest news about Obamacare is how millions of people across the country are losing their health insurance in spite of numerous ass

CAGW Staff November 5, 2013
