Obamacare | Page 4 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste


The WasteWatcher

Howard Dean is Correct

It is not too often that I agree with former Vermont Governor and Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean but when it comes to the government “negotiating” drug prices in Medicare Part D, he is correct.

Elizabeth Wright August 14, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Bigger is not Better

News broke on Friday, July 24 that Anthem, the largest for-profit managed health care company in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, will purchase Cigna for $48.4 billion.  The total deal, which includes purchasing Cigna’s debt, is worth $54...

Elizabeth Wright July 27, 2015
The WasteWatcher

More Proof the 340B Program Needs Reform

A July 6, 2015 GAO report confirms that reform of the 340B program is necessary.

Elizabeth Wright July 17, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Our Constitution Continues to Dissolve

On Thursday, June 25, the Constitution and our tripartite system of government took a major hit.  The Supreme Court, in a 6 to 3 opinion, ruled against the plaintiffs in King v Burwell, a lawsuit concerning who was

Elizabeth Wright June 30, 2015
The WasteWatcher

A Disappointing Vote but Not Unexpected

Senator David Vitter (R-La.) is on a mission.

Elizabeth Wright April 28, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Gold, Silver, Bronze (oh, Platinum too)

In years past, when people heard the terms Gold, Silver, Bronze, they thought about the Olympic medals.  Now, they likely think of ObamaCare with its metallic collection of expensive healthcare plans of Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

Elizabeth Wright April 14, 2015
The WasteWatcher

The Supreme Court Hears King v. Burwell

Today, March 4, 2015, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments to King v.

Elizabeth Wright March 4, 2015
The WasteWatcher

The House Votes to Repeal ObamaCare

The House of Representatives voted today on H.R. 596, a bill that would repeal and replace ObamaCare.  H.R. 596 passed by a vote of 239 to 186.  The bill was introduced by Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-Ala.) and had 98 co-sponsors.

Elizabeth Wright February 3, 2015
The WasteWatcher

Jonathan Gruber Goes to Washington

Most of you know about Jonathan Gruber.

Elizabeth Wright December 9, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Control, Alt, Delete

Control, Alt, Delete seems to be the standard M.O. for the Obama Administration when they want to extricate themselves from politically damaging, and possibly criminal, behavior.  Deleting emails, using alias emails, crashing or losing computers...

Elizabeth Wright August 15, 2014
The WasteWatcher

What a Week!

Last week, important but opposing court opinions were released within hours of each other on two similar cases involving the Affordable Care Act (ACA), often referred to as Obamacare. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C.

Elizabeth Wright July 30, 2014
The WasteWatcher

Gallup: "Uninsured Rate Sinks to 13.4%...Significant Decline in Uninsured Rate!" Really Gallup? Really?

Gallup released a poll yesterday with the blaring headline, “

Elizabeth Wright July 11, 2014
