Biopharmaceuticals | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste


CCAGW Urges Missouri Legislators to Oppose Senate Bills 45, 372, and 512

SB 45, SB 372, and SB 512 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmacy benefit managers in Missouri and increase prescription drug costs for patients.

CCAGW Urges Missouri Legislators to Oppose House Bills 474 and 840

HB 474 and HB 840 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmacy benefit managers in Missouri and increase prescription drug costs for patients.

CCAGW Urges Arkansas Representatives to Oppose House Bill 1150

HB 1150 would lead to closing nearly 150 brick and mortar retail pharmacies in Arkansas, eliminating cost-saving mail order and specialty pharmacy options for employers. 

CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program

Drug price controls have caused premiums to increase and options to decrease for seniors in Medicare Part D.

CCAGW Urges Michigan Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 1179

Senate Bill 1179 will change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in Michigan. 

CCAGW Urges Michigan Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 1179

Senate Bill 1179 will change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in Michigan.

CCAGW Urges Michigan Legislators to Oppose House Bill 5350

House Bill 5350 will change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in Michigan.

CCAGW Urges California Assembly to Oppose SB 966

SB 966 would insert the government further into the healthcare system and result in higher costs and fewer choices for patients in California.