State Action
CCAGW Urges Vermont Governor Phil Scott to Veto H. 353
H. 353 would further insert the state government into healthcare by micromanaging pharmacy benefit managers.
CCAGW Urges Minnesota SF 4410 Conferees to Oppose Price Control Measures
Conferees should strike all language related to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board and drug price controls from SF 4410.
CCAGW Urges Florida Senate Leadership to Oppose Data Privacy Legislation
The Florida Senate should not consider any data privacy legislation in its upcoming special session.
CCAGW Urges Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to Oppose Data Privacy in Special Session
Governor DeSantis should oppose the consideration of data privacy legislation in the Legislature's upcoming special session.
CCAGW Urges Florida House Leadership to Oppose Data Privacy Legislation
The Florida House of Representatives should not consider any data privacy legislation in its upcoming special session.
CCAGW Urges Louisiana House Commerce Committee to Oppose HB 987
HB 987 will fail to achieve its objective to protect consumer privacy.
CCAGW Urges Louisiana Senate Health and Welfare Committee to Oppose HB548
HB548 will make changes to the federal 340B drug discount program.
CCAGW Urges Louisiana House of Representatives to Oppose HB548
HB548 would change how the federal 340B drug discount program operates in the Pelican State.
CCAGW Urges Louisiana Senate to Oppose SB 32
SB 32 would impede and restrict pharmacy audits.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma House of Representatives to Oppose SB 1860
SB 1860 would impose onerous regulations on pharmacy benefit management.
CCAGW Urges Rhode Island House State Government and Elections Committee to Oppose H 7917
H 7917 will fail to achieve its objective to protect consumer privacy.
CCAGW Urges Missouri Senate Leadership to Oppose HB 1677
HB 1677 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmaceutical benefit managers.