State Action
Vote YES on HB 1290 - Spending/Regulation - Texas
Texas House of Representatives 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Representative,
Vote NO on HB 2387 - Pharmaceutical - Oregon
Oregon House of Representatives 900 Court St, NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Dear Representative,
Vote NO on HB 61 - Internet Sales Taxes - Georgia
Georgia General Assembly State Senate 206 Washington St. SW Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Senator,
Vote NO on SB 545 - Internet Sales Taxes - Indiana
Indiana General Assembly House of Representatives 200 W. Washington Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Dear Representative,
Oppose SB 2298 - Internet Sales Taxes - North Dakota
North Dakota Legislative Assembly Finance and Taxation Committee 600 East Boulevard Bismarck, North Dakota 58505 Dear Senator,
Vote YES on SB 1282 - Wireless Infrastructure - Virginia
Virginia House of Delegates 1000 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Delegate,
Testimony on H.B. 326 for Montana State Legislature - Montana
House Business and Labor Committee Montana State Legislature Helena, Montana
Oppose LB 44, the Remote Seller Sales Tax Collection Act - Internet Sales Taxes - Nebraska
Nebraska Legislature Revenue Committee 1445 K Street Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 Dear Senator,
Vote YES on HB 2108, the Virginia Broadband Deployment Act - Wireless Infrastructure - Virginia
Virginia House of Delegates Committee on Commerce and Labor 1000 Bank Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Delegate,
Oppose HB 19 - Internet Sales Taxes - Wyoming
Wyoming State Senate 213 State Capitol Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 Dear Senator,
Vote NO on the Purple Line - Transportation - Maryland
The Honorable Lawrence J. Hogan Governor of Maryland 100 State Circle Annapolis, Maryland 21401 The Honorable Peter V.R. Franchot Comptroller of Maryland 80 Calvert Street Annapolis, Maryland 21404