Letters to Officials | Page 5 | Council For Citizens Against Government Waste

Letters to Officials

Letters to Officials

CCAGW Comments to Universal Service Fund Working Group

With billions of dollars available for broadband deployment, it is difficult to justify keeping the USF at its current level.

Eric Maus August 24, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Steel Tariffs

Steel tariffs have acted as an artificial tax and have resulted in higher prices of consumer goods. 

Eric Maus August 9, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Joins Coalition Supporting Provisions to Agriculture Appropriations Bill

Sections 768 and 769 would prevent overreach by regulators that would harm taxpayers, farmers, and consumers. 

Eric Maus July 26, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Spending Cap Bypass

An unnecessary defense supplemental would add to the government's unsustainable debt. 

Eric Maus July 26, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Urges Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee to Oppose Price Control Amendments

Price controls are a devastating combination for future treatments and cures.

Eric Maus July 18, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Leads Coalition Supporting Reform to U.S. Sugar Program

The sugar program desperately needs reforms to benefit consumers, taxpayers, manufacturers, and the environment. 

Eric Maus July 18, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Submits Comments on PAHPA Reauthorization to Senate HELP Committee

Price controls will lead to fewer treatments and cures and undermine intellectual property. 

Eric Maus July 7, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Leads Coalition Opposing F-35 Alternate Engine

Funding the alternate engine would divert money from much-needed modernization efforts across the DOD

Eric Maus June 13, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Support H.R. 277

H.R. 277 would increase transparency and ensure a high standard of quality in the government's rule-making process. 

Eric Maus June 7, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Support H.R. 1640 and H.R. 1615

Ending the use of gas stoves puts consumers at a greater risk for increased energy prices and diminished services. 

Eric Maus June 6, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Tobacco Prohibition in Appropriations Bill

Banning a certain type of cigarettes would create an unregulated black market. 

Eric Maus June 6, 2023
Letters to Officials

CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Support H. J. Res. 45

H. J. Res. 45 would overturn President Biden's student loan bailout. 

Ryan Lanier May 23, 2023
