
133 Broadband Programs May Be 132 More Than Necessary
It is time to review the 133 broadband programs across 15 federal agencies with an eye toward consolidation.

Franchise Fees Raise Barriers to Broadband
Courts have held the line against franchise fee abuse. The FCC can protect consumers by ending the practice once and for all.

CAGW Reviews 50 States' BEAD Proposals
Most states propose to regulate broadband rates, discriminate against non-fiber technologies, and preference government networks.

FCC Should Avoid Another Net Neutrality Debacle
Former Obama administration solicitors general agree net neutrality rules should not be restored.

USF Reforms Should Include Replacing Lifeline with ACP
The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste offered its views on Universal Service reform to Congress on August 24, 2023.

A Disturbing Trend for Broadband Deployment
With $42.5 billion available for broadband deployment, funding should be available regardless of technology or vendor type.

CAGW Responds to Sen. Thune's Broadband Questions
Letter from Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) begins oversight process into broadband spending. Here is CAGW's Response.

Senate Hearing Must Focus on Avoiding Duplicative Middle Mile Broadband Funding
Senate hearing should focus on a review of current broadband spending programs, particularly spending for middle-mile deployments.

Spectrum Coordination Needs to Expand Across More Federal Agencies
The FCC and NTIA announced signing an MOU on spectrum allocation coordination. Other federal agencies should join this effort.

Federal Funding for Broadband Should Be Vendor and Technology Neutral
When planning infrastructure spending on broadband deployment, rules should be technology and vendor neutral.

California Should Fix Its Broadband Program
California PUC should make sure unserved communities are a priority for the $2 billion broadband grant program created by SB 156.

FCC Moves Forward on Pole Attachment Issues
The FCC will be considering a proposed rulemaking to clarify who should pay the cost of pole replacements at its March meeting.