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CCAGW Urges Representatives to Support Amendment to H.R. 8752
Amendment 18 reduces DHS funding by $10 million and transfers to the spending reduction account.
CCAGW Urges Representatives to Support Amendment to H.R. 8771
Amendment 50 prohibits funds from enforcing any rule or regulation that will cost the economy $100 million or more.
CCAGW Sends Letter to U.S. Senate Outlining Concerns With Live Nation - Ticketmaster Lawsuit
The lawsuit is a waste of time that will fall short of its goals of increasing competition and reducing prices for consumers.
CCAGW Sends Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Outlining Concerns With Live Nation - Ticketmaster Lawsuit
The lawsuit is a waste of time that will fall short of its goals of increasing competition and reducing prices for consumers.
CAGW Submits Comments for Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee Open Session
Efforts to reduce burn tobacco product use include less harmful alternatives to cigarettes.
CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Support Amendments to H.R. 8070
Members of Congress should support amendments that would increase transparency and financial responsibility.
Fairfax County Supervisors Consider Raising Taxes on Food while Raising their own Salaries
Board Chairman Jeff McKay gave himself a 45 percent raise - now calls for a "meals tax" at the highest rate in Northern Virginia.
Earmarks cost taxpayers $22.7 billion this fiscal year
The most costly, corrupt, and inequitable practice in the history of Congress has once again been exposed in the Congressional Pig Book.
2024 Congressional Pig Book
The Congressional Pig Book is CAGW's annual compilation of the pork-barrel projects in the federal budget.
CCAGW Urges St. Petersburg City Council to Reconsider Stadium Funding Proposal
St. Petersburg should reject the publicly-funded Rays stadium proposal and consider alternative development plans that don't burden taxpayers.
Testimony of Thomas A Schatz House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Tom Schatz, President, CCAGW Submits Testimony on "Oversight of 340B Drug Pricing Program."
CCAGW Joins Coalition Supporting Reforms to the Sugar Program
The modest reforms included in the House farm bill are a meaningful first step to reforming the sugar program.