The Latest
Congress Must Restore Spectrum Auction Authority
A year has passed since the FCC lost its spectrum auction authority. It is time for Congress to renew this authority.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Representatives to Oppose HB 3379
HB 3379 would make changes to the federal 340B program.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Senators to Oppose SB 1628
SB 1628 would change how the federal 340B program operates in Oklahoma.
CAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Cuts to Medicare Advantage Program
Medicare Advantage is provided through private plans rather than government-run plans and allows private companies to compete.
CAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Cuts to Medicare Advantage Program
Medicare Advantage is provided through private plans rather than government-run plans and allows private companies to compete.
CCAGW Urges Governor Youngkin to Veto Senate Bill 119
SB 119 would change how the federal 340B program operates in the Old Dominion.
CCAGW Urges Nebraska Legislators to Oppose LB 984
LB 984 would change how the federal 340B program operates in the Cornhusker State.
CCAGW Urges South Carolina Legislators to Support H. 5118
H. 5118 would streamline the regulatory appeals and approval processes for applications to build new energy transmission infrastructure.
CCAGW Urges Kentucky Senators to Oppose SB 188
SB 188 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) in Kentucky.
Connecting Americans to Broadband Should Not Be Impeded
With $42.45 billion on the line to connect unserved communities, NTIA should not force states like Virginia to rate regulate.
New GAO Report Warns of Worsening Federal Debt
If Congress fails to act, Americans may face rampant inflation or a sovereign debt crisis.
CCAGW Urges Virginia Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 119
SB 119 would make changes to the federal 340B drug discount program.