The Latest
BEAD Requirements Should Be Rolled Back
NTIA's complicated guidance and approval process has delayed infrastructure deployment of broadband using BEAD funding.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Legislators to Oppose House Bill 2048
HB 2048 would change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in Oklahoma.
340B Must Be Reformed in the 119th Congress
340B reform should not only should be acted on by Congress, but also reviewed by DOGE.
CCAGW Urges Utah Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 69
SB 69 would change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in the Beehive State.
A Penny Saved From Production Means Dollars Earned for Taxpayers
President Trump's announcement that the U.S. Mint will halt production of the penny is good news for taxpayers.
USPS Reforms Must Be Included in Reconciliation
Congress must include reforms to the USPS in reconciliation and DOGE should take a close look as well.
CCAGW Urges Virginia Senators to Oppose HB 1724
HB 1724 would impose price controls on prescription drugs.
Joint Strike Fighter Limited by Inadequate Software
The F-35’s software development is plagued by underperformance and delays, raising serious concerns about the JSF’s reliability.
FDA Recognizes Value of Tobacco Harm Reduction
Regulators approve less-harmful alternative to tobacco.
CCAGW Urges Missouri Legislators to Oppose Senate Bills 45, 372, and 512
SB 45, SB 372, and SB 512 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmacy benefit managers in Missouri and increase prescription drug costs for patients.
CCAGW Urges Missouri Legislators to Oppose House Bills 474 and 840
HB 474 and HB 840 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmacy benefit managers in Missouri and increase prescription drug costs for patients.
CCAGW Urges North Dakota Legislators to Oppose House Bill 1473
HB 1473 would change how the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program operates in North Dakota.