State Action
CCAGW Urges Rhode Island House Innovation, Internet, & Technology Committee to Oppose H 5745
H 5745 will fail to achieve its objective of protecting consumer privacy.
CCAGW Urges Missouri House Fiscal Review Committee to Support HB 268
HB 268 will allow for greater innovation and competition in Missouri by establishing a regulatory sandbox.
CCAGW Urges Hawaii Senate Committee on Ways and Means to Oppose SB 974
SB 974 will fail to achieve its objective of protecting consumer privacy.
CCAGW Urges Alaska Senate Health and Social Services Committee to Support SB 8
SB 8 would repeal Alaska's outdated certificate-of-need laws.
CCAGW Urges Minnesota House Commerce Committee to Oppose HF 294
HF 294 will create price controls that distort the medical marketplace and impose burdensome restrictions that stifle innovation.
CCAGW Urges Missouri Senate Health and Welfare Committee to Support SB 204
SB 204 would repeal Missouri's outdated certificate-of-need laws.
CCAGW Urges Minnesota Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee to Oppose SF 168
SF 168 would impose price controls on prescription drugs through the establishment of the Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board.
CCAGW Urges Hawaii Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee to Oppose SB 974
SB 974 will fail to achieve its objective of protecting consumer privacy.
CCAGW Urges Indiana House Government and Regulatory Reform Committee to Support HB 1345
HB 1345 will allow for greater innovation and competition in Missouri by establishing a regulatory sandbox.
CCAGW Urges Minnesota House State and Local Government Finance and Policy Committee to Oppose HF 17
HF 17 would impose price controls on prescription drugs through the establishment of the Prescription Drug Affordability Review Board.
CCAGW Urges Missouri House Health and Mental Health Policy Committee to Oppose HB 197
HB 197 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of PBMs in Missouri.
CCAGW Urges North Dakota Senate to Oppose SB 2031
SB 2301 would impose harmful price controls that would exacerbate the problems they are meant to fix.