State Action

Vote NO on SB 265 - Pharmaceutical - Nevada
Nevada State Senate 401 South Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4747 Dear Senator,

Vote YES on AB 252, the Streaming Tax Relief of Entertainment and Movies Act (STREAM) - Digital Goods Taxes - California
California State Assembly Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee 1315 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Assembly Member,

Oppose HB 628 - Pharmaceutical - Montana
House Committee on Business and Labor Montana House of Representatives Helena, Montana 59620-0400 Dear Representative,

Vote NO on AB 215 - Pharmaceutical - Nevada
Nevada State Assembly 401 South Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4747 Dear Assembly Member,

Vote NO on HB 1213 - Internet Sales Taxes - Maryland
Maryland General Assembly House Ways and Means Committee 100 State Circle Annapolis, Maryland 21401 Dear Delegate,

CCAGW Urges Arkansas Representatives to Oppose SB 140
March 15, 2017 Arkansas General Assembly House Revenue and Taxation Committee 500 Woodlane Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Dear Representative,

Vote NO on SB 81 - Internet Sales Taxes - North Carolina
North Carolina General Assembly Senate Finance Committee 16 West Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 Dear Senator,

Oppose HB 1541 - Pharmaceutical - Washington
Senate Health Care Committee P.O. Box 40466 Olympia, Washington 98504-0466 Dear Senator,

Vote YES on HB 1290 - Spending/Regulation - Texas
Texas House of Representatives 1100 Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Representative,

Vote NO on HB 2387 - Pharmaceutical - Oregon
Oregon House of Representatives 900 Court St, NE Salem, Oregon 97301 Dear Representative,

Vote NO on HB 61 - Internet Sales Taxes - Georgia
Georgia General Assembly State Senate 206 Washington St. SW Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Dear Senator,

Vote NO on SB 545 - Internet Sales Taxes - Indiana
Indiana General Assembly House of Representatives 200 W. Washington Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Dear Representative,