State Action
CCAGW Urges Pennsylvania Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 1000
SB 1000 creates unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of PBMs in Pennsylvania.
CCAGW Urges Kansas Legislators to Oppose Amendment to SB 514
The move to amend Substitute for SB 514 will change how the federal 340B drug pricing program operates in the Sunflower State.
CCAGW Urges Governor Reeves to Veto House Bill 728
HB 728 would change how the federal 340B program operates in Mississippi.
CCAGW Urges Kentucky Representatives to Oppose SB 188
SB 188 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) in Kentucky.
CCAGW Urges Governor Youngkin to Veto Senate Bill 274
SB 274 would impose price controls on prescription drugs. Price controls distort markets, hurt innovation, and exacerbate the problems they are created to fix.
CCAGW Urges Illinois Legislators to Oppose House Bill 4548
HB 4548 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) in Illinois.
CCAGW Urges Kentucky Legislators to Oppose Senate Bill 349
SB 349 would add a redundant layer of bureaucratic review over utilities that would raise costs for consumers and impede Kentucky’s push for energy reliability.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Senators to Oppose SB 1628
SB 1628 would make changes to the federal 340B program.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Representatives to Oppose HB 3379
HB 3379 would make changes to the federal 340B program.
CCAGW Urges Oklahoma Senators to Oppose SB 1628
SB 1628 would change how the federal 340B program operates in Oklahoma.
CCAGW Urges Governor Youngkin to Veto Senate Bill 119
SB 119 would change how the federal 340B program operates in the Old Dominion.
CCAGW Urges Kentucky Senators to Oppose SB 188
SB 188 would create unnecessary regulatory barriers that will undermine the effectiveness of pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs) in Kentucky.