Letters to Officials
CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
Drug price controls have caused premiums to increase and options to decrease for seniors in Medicare Part D.
CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Credit Card Competition Act
Price controls on interchange fees or interest rates are diametrically opposed to free market principles.
CCAGW Joins Coalition Urging Congress to Oppose Efforts to Raise Corporate Tax Rate
The lower corporate tax rate in the TCJA is working and Congress should not increase it.
CCAGW Urges House and Senate Leadership to Oppose Including Healthcare Legislation in Continuing Resolution
Healthcare legislation that has not been voted on by the full House and Senate should not be included in a continuing resolution
CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Broadband Taxes
Rather than taxing broadband, lawmakers should focus on reducing regulations and lowering costs for consumers and providers.
CCAGW Submits Comments to House Energy and Commerce Hearing on Oversight Hearing of FDA Human Foods and Tobacco Programs
Millions of Americans use tobacco harm reduction products each year to quit smoking.
CCAGW Joins Coalition Opposing Housing Price Controls
Nationwide rent controls and price controls will further inflate housing costs.
CCAGW Urges House of Representatives to Support Amendments to H.R. 8998
Lawmakers should support amendments that would reduce wasteful government spending.
CCAGW Urges Representatives to Support Amendment to H.R. 8752
Amendment 18 reduces DHS funding by $10 million and transfers to the spending reduction account.
CCAGW Urges Representatives to Support Amendment to H.R. 8771
Amendment 50 prohibits funds from enforcing any rule or regulation that will cost the economy $100 million or more.
CCAGW Sends Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Outlining Concerns With Live Nation - Ticketmaster Lawsuit
The lawsuit is a waste of time that will fall short of its goals of increasing competition and reducing prices for consumers.
CCAGW Sends Letter to U.S. Senate Outlining Concerns With Live Nation - Ticketmaster Lawsuit
The lawsuit is a waste of time that will fall short of its goals of increasing competition and reducing prices for consumers.